Anti-Sprawl Measures Make Traffic Worse: Cincinnati Oped (010602)
Stockholm: Urban & Suburban Population from 1945 (010601)
Switzerland Land Use: 1997 (010601)
Zurich: Urban & Suburban Population from 1930 (010601)
Zurich: Population and Density by Borough (010601)
Chicago Neighborhoods: Ranked by Change in Density: 1980-2000 (010530)
Chicago Neighborhoods: Ranked by Density: 2000 (010530)
Chicago Neighborhoods: Population & Density: 1980-2000 (010530)
2000 Census: Honolulu Data (010530)
2000 Census: US Municipalities Over 50,000: Index (010529)
2000 Census: US Municipalities Over 50,000 Ranked by Density (010529)
2000 Census: US Municipalities Over 50,000: Density Categories (010529)
2000 Census: US Municipalities Over 50,000: Ranked by 2000 Land Area (010529)
2000 Census: US Municipalities Over 50,000: Ranked by Population % Change from 1990 (010529)
2000 Census: US Municipalities Over 50,000: Ranked by Population Change from 1990 (010529)
2000 Census: US Municipalities Over 50,000: Ranked by 2000 Population (010529)
2000 Census: US Municipalities Over 50,000: Population & Land Area Compared to 1990 (010529)
Letter to US News: American Gridlock Could not be More Wrong (010523)
Smart Growth in Cincinnati: The Wrong Way (010523)
Smart Growth v. Individual Ownership: End of the American Dream? (010520)
Atlanta Journal Calls for Naming Northern Arc Beltway After Wendell Cox (010518)
US Metropolitan Area Population: 1990-2000 (010516)
Wendell Cox Biographical Sketch (010514)
Wendell Cox Resume (010514)
US Cities: Leading Population Gain by Decade from 1860 (010512)
US Metropolitan Neighborhood Quality, From AHS (010508)
England Cities; Population Projections to 2021 (010505)
England Cities; Population & Density from 1890 (010505)
Largest International Urban Areas: Population & Density (010502)
International Urban Area Covering the Most Land Area (010502)
New York: World's Most Sprawling Urban Area (010502)
New Orleans Land Use (010430)
New Orleans Population & Population Density by Planning District (010430)
Portland Density Profile: Most Similar to Texas Cities, Columbus (010429)
Portland Density: Similarity to Other Areas (010429)
Buenos Aires Index (010429)
Buenos Aires Population and Population Density by District (010429)
Los Angeles: 924,000 in Tracts More Dense than Portland's Densest (0104122
Density Profiles Compared to Portland (010422)
Detroit & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Baltimore & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Boston & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Chicago & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Cincinnati & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Cleveland & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Columbus & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Dallas-Fort Worth & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Denver Generally More Dense than Portland (010418)
Fort Lauderdale: Generally Higher Densities than Portland (010418)
Houston & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Miami & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Kansas City & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Milwaukee & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Minneapolis-St. Paul & Portland: Similar Core Densities (010418)
New Orleans & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
New York & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Atlanta & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Philadelphia & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Portland Sprawls Like Phoenix (010418)
Pittsburgh: Higher Core Density than Portland (010418)
Riverside-San Bernardino & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Sacramento Generally More Dense than Portland (010418)
San Antonio & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
San Diego & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
San Francisco & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
San Jose & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Seattle & Portland: Similar Core Densities (010418)
Tampa-St. Petersburg & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
Washington & Portland Density Profiles (010418)
US Urbanized Area Density Profiles: 1990 (010418)
Suburban Orange County: 15 Times as Much High Density as Portland (010418)
US Urbanized Areas: Land Area Over 10,000 per Square Mile: 1990 (010418)
US Urbanized Areas: Land Area by Density Category (010418)
US Urbanized Areas: Land Area by Cumulative Density Category (010418)
US Urban Areas: Percentage of Land Area by Population Density (010418)
Portland Compared to Urban Areas with High Density Cores (010418)
Metropolitan Growth Rates Up in New York, Chicago, Down in Los Angeles (010415)
US Metropolitan Area Growth Rates from 1950 (010415)
Mass Transit in Paris & Atlanta: Tales of Two Cities: By Christian Gerondeau (010415)
US Urbanized Areas: Density Profiles (010415)
Smart Growth Portland Sprawls Like Phoenix (010410)
Los Angeles: Overall & Corridor Densities Much Higher than Smart Growth Portland (010410)
Planning for Yesterday: Transport & Land Use Planning in the Twin Cities (010410)
Smart Growth, Housing Costs & Home Ownership (Heritage Founda) by W. Cox & Ronald D. Utt (010409)
Canada City Population History: Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto & Vancouver (010407)
Transport Planning & Smart Growth in New Zealand: Wendell Cox Lecture Text (010405)
Sustainability & Transport in Sydney: Wendell Cox Lecture Text (010405)
The Culture of Low Density: by C. Kenneth Orski (010405)
Density Profile: Average US Urban Area & Los Angeles Compared (010404)
Density Profile: Paris Urban Area & Los Angeles Compared (010404)
Density Profile: Greater London & Los Angeles Compared (010404)
Density Profile: Toronto & Los Angeles Compared (010404)
So-Called Smart Growth Loses Big in La Salle County, Illinois (010403)
Wendell Cox in LaSalle County: "Smart Growth Dumb Idea: Urban Expert Says" (010403)
Individual Ownership: Foundation of Modern Affluence (010403)
Paris Urban & Suburban Population from 1921 (010330)
Los Angeles Reaches New Population Peak, Loses Ground on New York (010330)
San Francisco Growth Exceeds Los Angeles for First Time in 130 Years (010330)
US Cities Over 300,000 Ranked by Percentage Increase: 2000 Census (010330)
US Cities Over 300,000 Ranked by Population Increase: 2000 Census (010330)
US Cities Over 300,000 Ranked: 2000 Census (010330)
US Cities Over 300,000: 2000 Census (010330)
Census Bureau Misses Big in Central City Estimates (010330)
Hysteria and the Push for County Zoning in LaSalle Co., IL (010330)
The Sky's Not Falling Yet: Land Use Planning in LaSalle Co., IL (010330)
Detroit Drops Below 1,000,000 Population (010328)
Miami's Central City Edges to Peak Population (010327)
City of New York Population History: 4 Highly Urbanized Boroughs (010325)
Paris Population History by Geographic Sector from 1861: Charts (010325)
1999 Census: Paris Population Losses Moderated, Inner Area Still Loses Most (010325)
Paris Population History by Geographic Sector to 1856: Charts (010325)
City of New York & Boroughs Population History to 2000 (010325)
Paris Population History: Data & Analysis (010324)
Paris Sections: Population & Density Trends (010324)
Paris Arrondissements: Population & Density Trends (010324)
Paris Arrondissements: Population & Population Density Post 1860 (010324)
Paris Arrondissements: Population & Population Density Pre-1860 Definitions (010324)
Central Area Population Density Profiles: Compared to Los Angeles (010324)
Population Density Profiles: US Urbanized Areas 1990 (010324)
Portland Outer County Growth Share Greater than Atlanta (010323)
Seattle's Central City Growth Rate Leads that of "Smart Growth" Portland (010323)
Atlanta Urban Core Densifies Faster than Portland (010322)
Metropolitan Atlanta Exceeds 4,000,000 Population (010322)
St. Louis Hits 130 Year Population Low; Better than Expected (010320)
Denver's Central City Growth Rate Double that of "Smart Growth" Portland (010320)
O'Toole & Cox on Seminar Tour New Zealand, Australia (010319)
Sustainability & Transport in Sydney (010319)
Transport Planning & Smart Growth in Christchurch (010319)
Transport Planning & Smart Growth in Wellington (010319)
Transport Planning & Smart Growth in New Zealand (010319)
Transport Planning & Smart Growth in Auckland (010309)
New York City Sets Population Record in 2000 Census (010316)
Transport Planning & Smart Growth in Auckland (010309)
New Population Data for London (010303)
Air Pollution Drops 40 Percent in US Metropolitan Areas (010303)
Air Pollution Ranked in US Metropolitan Areas: 1997 (010303)
Air Pollution Trends in US Metropolitan Areas: 1988-1997 (010303)
STPP's "Driven to Spend" Report: Less than Half the Story (010301)
Metro Denver Open Space is Thriving (010301)
Wendell Cox Responds to PLANETIZEN Oped Criticims (010301)
Wendell Cox PLANETIZEN Oped: The Argument Against Smart Growth (010301)
US Trade Union Market Share Loss Continues in 2000 (010220)
The Lone Mountain Compact: Principles for Preserving Freedom & Livability (010222)
Early Census Results: Sampling Misses by a Mile (010217)
New York Central Business District Density and Work Trip Mode by Sector (010217)
Toronto Population & Density by Subarea (010209)
Tianjin Population & Density by Administrative District (010209)
Densification for Denver: More Traffic, Pollution & Social Inequity: PDF (010124)
Densification for Denver: More Traffic, Pollution & Social Inequity (010124)
Portland & Denver Urban Development Trends Compared: Portland Not Superior (010113)
Developed Urban Land Share by State: 1982 to 1997 (010113)
Developed Urban Land by State: 1982 to 1997 (010113)
Issue Brief: Smart Growth (010107)
New Items 2000
Demographia is Affiliated with The Public Purpose, A Top National Journal Internet Site
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where and how they like.
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