Glasgow Population History: Table (20021026)
Birmingham Index (20021023)
Manchester Index (20021023)
Glasgow Index (20021023)
Liverpool Index (20021023)
England: Largest Cities 1891-2001 (20021023)
Greater London: Population & Population Density History (20021022)
London Area Population Change by Area 1991-2001 (20011021)
London Boroughs Population 1951-2001 (20011021)
Former 1,000,000 Population Cities: Birmingham, Detroit, Glasgow, Napoli & Torino (20011021)
Large Population Losses Continue in Italy Central Cities (20011021)
Italy: Large Cities Population from 1951 (20011021)
2001 Census: Buenos Aires (Capital Federal) Suffers Large Population Loss (20011021)
Buenos Aires (Capital Federal) Population History (20011021)
International Urban Areas Covering the Most Land Area (20021020)
Canada: Top 20 Census Metropolitan Areas: Population from 1951 (20021020)
Large International Urban Areas (20021019)
Large International Urban Areas: Ranked by Density (20021019)
International Urbanized Area Data: Population, Area & Density: Historical (20021019)
Canada and USA Urban Areas Have Similar Densities (20021019)
USA Prisons Fail to Achieve Sierra Club Densities (20021019)
USA Urban Area Notes (20021019)
Development of the 4 Most Dense Urbanized Areas in the USA: 1950-2000 (20021019)
Most Dense Canada Urban Areas & Urban Agglomerations (20021019)
Urban Areas over 250,000 in Canada & USA Ranked by Population Density (20021018)
USA Urban Areas 2000: Ranked by Population Density (20021018)
USA Urban Areas 2000: Ranked by Land Area (20021018)
USA Urban Areas 2000: Ranked by Population (20021018)
USA Urban Areas 2000: Alphabetical (20021018)
USA Urban Areas & Urban Clusters (20021018)
Canada & USA Urban Areas & Density (20021018)
USA Urban Land Without Alaska: 1960-2000 Census (20021018)
USA Urban Land: 1960-2000 Census (20021018)
Most Dense Urbanized Areas, Urban Clusters, Urban Cluster Prisons: 2000 USA (20021018)
Census Bureau Corrections to Urbanized Area Data: 2000 USA (20021018)
Cincinnati Light Rail Misses Job & Employment Growth (20021014)
Cincinnati Population & Employment by Development Ring (20021014)
Lagos Local Government Areas: 1991 (20021013)
Work Trip Walkability Index and Income: Manhattan (20021012)
Work Trip Walkability Index and Income: City of San Francisco (20021012)
New York County Based Jobs-Housing Balance (20021010)
Paris Job & Worker Residence Density Profile (20021010)
Barcelona Density Profile (20021010)
Paris Density Profile (20021010)
Walkability Index: Paris Urban Area (20021011)
Los Angeles & Other Urban Area Density Profiles (20021010)
Canada Urban Areas: Density Profiles: 2001 (20021010)
Urban Aras in Canada & USA: Population, Land Area & Density (20021009)
Cincinnati Light Rail No Hope for Low-Income & Disadvantaged Populations (20021009)
Cincinnati Transit Access to be Worse, Even with Light Rail (20021009)
Portland Traffic Worsening Faster than Cincinnati Despite Light Rail (20021005)
Cincinnati Light Rail Plan: No Impact on Traffic (20021005)
Answering Portland's Misleading Urban Growth Boundary Claim (20020927)
Urbanized Area Density & Density Change 1980-1990 US (20020927)
IEA (London) Wendell Cox Property Rights-Land Use Lecture 20 November (20020923)
Large Canada Urban Areas Population & Density: 2001 (20020916)
Urban Areas over 500,000 in Canada & USA Ranked by Population Density (20020916)
Largest International Urban Areas: Ranked by Density (20020908)
International Urban Areas Covering the Most Land Area (20020908)
Largest International Urban Areas (20020908)
International Urbanized Area Data: Population, Area & Density: Historical (20020908)
Tokyo-Yokohama Urbanized Area Population & Density Estimates Released (20020908)
Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto Urbanized Area Population & Density Estimates Released (20020908)
Nagoya Urbanized Area Population & Density Estimates Released (20020908)
Major Japan Urban Areas Population & Density: 2000 (20020908)
Osaka Population & Housing by Ku (20020907)
Tokyo Ku Area: Jobs & Population by Ku (20020907)
Osaka Loop Population & Housing (20020907)
Tokyo Yamanote Loop: Employment & Population (20020907)
Tokyo Wards Population & Population Density: 1990-2000 (20020904)
Nagoya Metropolitan, City & Surburban Population from 1920 (20020907)
Japan Population 1965-2000 and 3 Largest Metropolitan Areas (20020907)
Cities Over 750,000 in Japan: Population from 1890 (20020907)
Japan Cities: 2000 Population (20020907)
Japan Cities Ranked by 2000 Population (20020907)
Japan Cities: Ranked by 1990-2000 Population Change (20020907)
Japan Cities: Ranked by 1990-2000 Percentage Population Change (20020907)
Japan & Prefectures Population from 1920 & Area
Japan Ku (Wards) Ranked by Population Density: Cities over 800,000 in 2000 (20020905)
Central Business District Employment Share: International Urban Areas (20020905)
Employment in International Central Business Districts (20020905)
Employment Density in International Central Business Districts: Ranked (20020905)
Employment Density in International Central Business Districts (20020905)
Employment in International Central Business Districts Ranked by Size (20020905)
Japan: Central Business Districts (20020904)
Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto Business Districts: 2001 (20020904)
Nagoya Business Districts: 2001 (20020904)
Hiroshima Business Districts: 2001 (20020904)
Tokyo-Yokohama Business District: 2000 (20020904)
Chiba Ku (Wards): Population & Area: 1990-2000 (20020904)
Kawakaki Ku (Wards): Population & Area: 1990-2000 (20010904)
Yokohama Ku (Wards): Population & Area: 1990-2000 (20020904)
Tokyo Wards Population & Population Density: 1990-2000 (20020904)
Osaka Wards: Population & Density 1990-2000 (20020904)
Kyoto Wards: Population & Density 1990-2000 (20020904)
Kobe Wards: Population & Density 1990-2000 (20020904)
Nagoya Wards Population & Density (20020904)
Kitakyushu Ku (Wards): Population & Area (20010706)
Sapporo Ku (Wards): Population & Area (20020902)
Chiba Ku (Wards): Population & Area (20020902)
Hiroshima Ku (Wards): Population & Area (20020902)
Sprawl: The Lower Cost of Living (20020830)
Paris, Petite Couronne & Former Dept. of Seine: Components (20020825)
It's All About Freedom: Property, Poverty & Prosperity (20020821)
It's All About Freedom (Commentary) (20020821)
Neighborhood Maximum Work Trip Walkabity Index: US Metropolitan Areas (20020812)
Policy Point #10: Light Rail in Charlotte: Voters Aren't that Dumb (20020810)
Policy Point #11: Reparations Funding for Amtrak? (20020810)
Policy Point #12: Bus Capacity Equals Light Rail (20020810)
Chicago CBD Journey to Work Share by Sector (20020806)
US Urbanized Areas by Density: 2000 (20020804)
Wendell Cox CV (Resume) Updated (20020804)
Homeownership in France & Paris: 1962-1999 (20020803)
Automobile Availability: France & Metropolitan Areas Over 1,000,000 (20020803)
France Metropolitan Areas: Municipalities and Average Population (20020803)
Paris & Ile-de-France Automobile Availability 1968-1999 (20020803)
Urban Trends in France: Nearly All Growth Suburban (20020803)
France Urbanized Area Trends from 1962 (20020803)
Policy Shorts Index (20020801)
Policy Short #7: Urban Rail Expansion in Sydney No Help to Traffic (20020801)
Policy Short #8: New York Times Misunderstands Subsidy (20020801)
Policy Short #4: Doug Turner Off-Base on Amtrak (20020801)
Policy Short #5: Smart Growth Against Itself (20020801)
Policy Short #6: Commuter Rail: Its Not About Selfishness (20020801)
Policy Short #1: Neil Peirce Should Visit Paris (20020801)
Policy Short #2: High Speed Rail: Romance & Reality (20020801)
Policy Short #3: Memphis: Toward Portland Exclusionary Planning (20020801)
Wendell Cox Responds to Planetizen Critics (20020715)
Demographia Commentary Index (20020715)
Livability: The How-It-Never-Was New Urban Illusion (20020715)
Smart Growth Pros & Cons (20020715)
Smart Growth & Housing Affordability: Full Paper: Word Format
Smart Growth & Housing Affordability: HTML Formal (20020714)
Smart Growth & Housing Affordability: Executive Summary (20020714)
Smart Growth & Housing Affordability: Contents (20020714)
Smart Growth & Housing Affordability: Millennial Housing Commission Paper (20020714)
Portland, Phoenix & Los Angeles Density & Density Trends Compared (20020714)
Los Angeles More Dense than Portland in 2000 (20020714)
Phoenix More Dense than Portland in 2000 (20020714)
San Francisco Bay Area Distribution of High Income Households (20020703)
APA Growing Smart Home Forfeiture Agenda Heritage Foundation (20020702)
Trouble in Smart Growth's Nirvana: Portland Planetizen (20020702)
International Density, Vehicle Miles, Vehicle Hours & Pollution (20020629)
Smart Growth & Housing Affordability in Montana (20020627)
Toronto Urban & Suburban Population from 1951 (20020622)
Land Use and Planning in Minneapolis-St. Paul (20020622)
USA Urban Areas & Urban Clusters: Alphabetical (20020621)
Smart Growth in Maryland: Insider's Game (20020619)
Traffic and Density (20020617)
Change in Housing Affordability: US States: 1990-2000 (20020616)
US Household Income 1990-2000: US Census Results by State (20020616)
US Median House Value 1990-2000: US Census Results by State (20020616)
US State Urban Share, Population & Density: 2000 (20020612)
High Income New World Urban Areas: Population & Density (20020610)
USA Urbanized Area Data: 1950-2000 (20020608)
USA Urbanized Areas Over 500,000: 2000 Rankings (20020608)
USA Urbanized Areas: 2000: Density by Category (20020608)
USA Urban Land Without Alaska: 1960-2000 Census (20020607)
USA Urban Land: 1960-2000 Census (20020607)
USA Urbanized Areas 2000 (All Areas) (20020607)
USA Urbanized Areas over 500,000: 1990 & 2000 Comparisons (20020607)
US State & Canadian Province Gross Product (20020601)
High Income Nation GDP Compared to US State GSP (20020601)
US Metropolitan Area Population Projections: Alphabetical (20020601)
US Metropolitan Area Population Projections: 2025 Rank (20020601)
Smart Growth & Transportation in St. Louis (20020524)
Portland's Smart Growth Vote: Train Wreck in the Making (20020522)
The Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook: Threatening Opportunity (20020518)
Urbanized Area Estimate for Barcelona Added (20020518)
US Urban Area Traffic Volumes & Highway Capacity
US Urban Area Daily Travel & Highway Capacity: 1999 (20020518)
US Urban Area Lane Miles per Capita: 1999 (20020518)
Senate Testimony Land Use and Transportation Planning: Text (20020517)
Senate Testimony Land Use and Transportation Planning: Presentation (20020517)
Land Use and Transportation in Raleigh-Durham (20020517)
Environment or Property Rights?: Maryland Gov. Glendening's Smart Growth Program (20020513)
     By Jennine M. L. Morber
Vers le démantèlement d’Amtrak? (20020508
Les transports publics aux Etats-Unis (20020508
London Area Population from 1911 (20020508)
New Paris Index (20020508)
Paris Urban Area & Petite Couronne 1962-1999 (20020508)
Paris Urban Area & Former Dept. of Seine 1962-1999 (20020508)
Paris Urban Area Analysis 1921-1999 (20020508)
Paris Urbanized Area: Population, Area & Density from 1962 (20020508)
Verse le demantelment d'Amtrak? Conference-debats (20020415)
Les transports public aus Etats-Unis: Conference-debats (20020415)
Wendell Cox CNAM Paris Conference on Amtrak (20020415)
Wendell Cox CNAM Paris Conference on US Mass Transit (20020415)
Smart Growth: American Dream Boundaries (20020412)
Hong Kong Population History (20020313)
Central Business District Employment Share Trend: High Income Urban Areas (20020313)
London Urban & Suburban Population Trend From 1960 (20020313)
New York Urban & Suburban Population Trend From 1960 (20020313)
Los Angeles Urban & Suburban Population Trend From 1960 (20020313)
Toronto Urban & Suburban Population Trend From 1960 (20020313)
Tokyo Urban & Suburban Population Trend From 1960 (20020313)
Sydney Urban & Suburban Population Trend From 1960 (20020313)
Paris Urban & Suburban Population Trend From 1960 (20020313)
Mexico City & Suburban Population Trend From 1960 (20020221)
Buenos Aires: Central City & Suburban Population Trend (20020221)
Buenos Aires Population and Population Density by District (20020220)
Mexico City Population & Density by Sector from 1960 (20020220)
Mexico City Population & Density by District (Delegacion) from 1960 (20020220)
US County Population 2000: Ranked by Percent Population Change (20020212)
US County Population 2000: by Name (20020212)
US County Population 2000: Ranked by Population Change (20020212)
US County Population 2000: Ranked by Population (20020212)
US County Population 2000: By State and County Name (20020212)
London, Los Angeles, New York & Paris Densities Compared by Sector (20020209)
Breach of Faith: Light Rail and Smart Growth in Charlotte (20020209)
International Central Business Districts (20020209)
Amtrak Reform Council Action Plan Press Release (20020207)
Amtrak Reform Council Action Plan Executive Summary (20020207)
Amtrak Reform Council Action Plan (20020207)
Wendell Cox Amtrak Commentary on National Review Online (20020206)
Amtrak Reform Council Action Plan: Wendell Cox Concurring Statement (20020206)
Public Transport Market Share: CBD & Outside: US Metros (010125)
US Metropolitan Commuter Income by CBD Market Share (010125)
Travel Time by Mode: 32 Large US Central Business Districts & Other (010125)
Income by Mode: 32 Large US Central Business Districts & Other (010125)
Mumbai Municipality & Suburban Population from 1981 (20020121)
US Trade Union Market Share At 100 Year Low in 2001 (20020121)
Val-de-Marne Journey to Work Data: 1999 (20020121)
Seine-et-Marne Journey to Work Data: 1999 (20020121)
Essone Journey to Work Data: 1999 (20020121)
Yvelines Journey to Work Data: 1999 (20020121)
Seine-Saint-Denis Journey to Work Data: 1999 (20020121)
Val-d'Oise Journey to Work Data: 1999 (20020121)
Hauts-de-Seine Journey to Work Data: 1999 (20020121)
Ile-de-France Journey to Work Data: 1999 (20020121)
Paris Journey to Work Data: 1999 (20020121)
Traffic Intensity by International Urban Area-1990 (200101004)
Traffic Density by World Geographical Area (20020122)
L'unica soluzione: le strade più veloci, Oped by Wendell Cox (20020121)
Portland for the People, Not the Planners (20020121)
New York (Manhattan) Sectors: Population Estimate 1800-2000 (20020116)
New York (Manhattan) Sectors: Population & Density: 1800-1910 (20020116)
New York (Manhattan) Wards: Population & Density: 1800-1910 (20020116)
New York Community Districts Ranked by Population Density Change from 1970 (20020116)
New York Community Districts Ranked by 2000 Population Density (20020116)
New York Community District Population & Density from 1970 (20020116)
International City Densities (20020116)
Wendell Cox Public Speaking Brochure (20020110)
New Items 2001
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