Urban Land Institute
Smart Growth News Coverage of American Dream Boundaries
From the Urban Land Institute Smart Growth News 4 July 2001 Issue
"Not 'Smart' After All; Critics of Atlanta's Development Cite the Metro
Area as an Example of How Not to Grow"
Atlanta Journal and Constitution (06/27/01) P. 12A
The Sierra Club recently launched a nationwide anti-sprawl crusade that
cites reining in suburban growth as its top priority. A target market for
this campaign is the Atlanta metro area--long considered an example of
what not to do when regulating development--while Portland, Ore.,
continues to be held up as a role model for successful growth control.
However, a new study by the Georgia Public Policy Foundation seeks to
shatter certain myths about smart growth by taking a closer look at its
consequences. The study criticized Portland's growth-management strategy,
which devalues roads and advocates greater use of public transportation.
The report showed that Portland's traffic woes will only worsen due to its
transit-oriented transportation plan. And while smart growth aims to make
housing more affordable, Portland's home prices have soared well above
those in Atlanta and the rest of the United States. Furthermore,
Portland's smart-growth policies were found to actually require more
government spending, instead of less. Wendell Cox, the transportation
planner and public planning consultant who authored the study, writes:
"Newer suburban areas are more open to innovative strategies such as
competitive contracting and privatization, which significantly lowers
infrastructure costs.")
American Dream Boundaries: Urban Containment and its Consequences
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