
Brazil Gross Domestic Product (GDP/PIB)
per Capita by State: 2000

2000 GDP Per Capita: Nominal R$ US$: Purchasing Power Parity Compared to National Compared to Distrito Federal (Brasilia)
Brasil 6,394 $7,625 0.0% -55.7%
Acre 3,055 $3,643 -52.2% -78.8%
Alagoas 2,488 $2,967 -61.1% -82.8%
Amapa 4,126 $4,920 -35.5% -71.4%
Amazonas 6,710 $8,002 4.9% -53.5%
Bahia 3,688 $4,398 -42.3% -74.4%
Ceara 717 $855 -88.8% -95.0%
Distrito Federal (Brasilia) 14,425 $17,202 125.6% 0.0%
Espirito Santo 6,951 $8,290 8.7% -51.8%
Goias 4,330 $5,164 -32.3% -70.0%
Maranhao 1,629 $1,943 -74.5% -88.7%
Mato Grosso 5,362 $6,394 -16.1% -62.8%
Mato Grosso do Sul 5,708 $6,807 -10.7% -60.4%
Minas Gerais 5,934 $7,077 -7.2% -58.9%
Para 3,054 $3,643 -52.2% -78.8%
Paraiba 2,682 $3,199 -58.0% -81.4%
Parana 6,898 $8,226 7.9% -52.2%
Pernambuco 3,678 $4,387 -42.5% -74.5%
Piaui 1,875 $2,236 -70.7% -87.0%
Rio de Janeiro 9,581 $11,425 49.8% -33.6%
Rio Grande do Norte 3,347 $3,991 -47.7% -76.8%
Rio Grande do Sul 8,357 $9,966 30.7% -42.1%
Rondonia 4,024 $4,799 -37.1% -72.1%
Roraima 3,443 $4,106 -46.1% -76.1%
Santa Catarina 7,921 $9,446 23.9% -45.1%
Sao Paulo 10,013 $11,941 56.6% -30.6%
Sergipe 3,318 $3,957 -48.1% -77.0%
Tonantins 2,117 $2,525 -66.9% -85.3%

Demographia: Affiliated with The Public Purpose, Twice A National Journal Top Internet Site
Demographia is "pro-choice" with respect to urban development.
People should have the freedom to live and work where and how they like.
(c) 1994-2005 --- --- Wendell Cox Consultancy --- Permission granted for use with attribution.