
USA Urbanized Areas Over 500,000:
2000 Rankings


On 25 August, the US Census Bureau released the following urbanized area corrections for 2000. Tables will be updated to reflect this information in the future.

Urbanized Area Population Land Area (Square Miles) Population per Square Mile
Fort Collins, CO 206,757 83.7 2,472
Hanford, CA (New) 69,639 25.5 2,734
Holland, MI 91,921 48.0 1,917
San Francisco--Oakland, CA 3,228,605 526.7 6,130
San Rafael--Novato, CA (now included in San Francisco-Oakland) 0 0.0 0

Rank Urbanized Area Population Square Miles Population Density
1 New York--Newark, NY--NJ--CT 17,799,861 3,353 5,309
2 Los Angeles--Long Beach--Santa Ana, CA 11,789,487 1,668 7,068
3 Chicago, IL--IN 8,307,904 2,123 3,914
4 Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD 5,149,079 1,799 2,861
5 Miami, FL 4,919,036 1,116 4,407
6 Dallas--Fort Worth--Arlington, TX 4,145,659 1,407 2,946
7 Boston, MA--NH--RI 4,032,484 1,736 2,323
8 Washington, DC--VA--MD 3,933,920 1,157 3,401
9 Detroit, MI 3,903,377 1,261 3,094
10 Houston, TX 3,822,509 1,295 2,951
11 Atlanta, GA 3,499,840 1,963 1,783
12 San Francisco--Oakland, CA 2,995,769 428 7,004
13 Phoenix--Mesa, AZ 2,907,049 799 3,638
14 Seattle, WA 2,712,205 954 2,844
15 San Diego, CA 2,674,436 782 3,419
16 Minneapolis--St. Paul, MN 2,388,593 894 2,671
17 St. Louis, MO--IL 2,077,662 829 2,506
18 Baltimore, MD 2,076,354 683 3,041
19 Tampa--St. Petersburg, FL 2,062,339 802 2,571
20 Denver--Aurora, CO 1,984,887 499 3,979
21 Cleveland, OH 1,786,647 647 2,761
22 Pittsburgh, PA 1,753,136 852 2,057
23 Portland, OR--WA 1,583,138 474 3,340
24 San Jose, CA 1,538,312 260 5,914
25 Riverside--San Bernardino, CA 1,506,816 439 3,434
26 Cincinnati, OH--KY--IN 1,503,262 672 2,238
27 Virginia Beach, VA 1,394,439 527 2,647
28 Sacramento, CA 1,393,498 369 3,776
29 Kansas City, MO--KS 1,361,744 584 2,330
30 San Antonio, TX 1,327,554 408 3,257
31 Las Vegas, NV 1,314,357 286 4,597
32 Milwaukee, WI 1,308,913 487 2,688
33 Indianapolis, IN 1,218,919 553 2,205
34 Providence, RI--MA 1,174,548 504 2,332
35 Orlando, FL 1,157,431 453 2,554
36 Columbus, OH 1,133,193 398 2,849
37 New Orleans, LA 1,009,283 198 5,102
38 Buffalo, NY 976,703 367 2,664
39 Memphis, TN--MS--AR 972,091 400 2,431
40 Austin, TX 901,920 318 2,835
41 Bridgeport--Stamford, CT--NY 888,890 465 1,910
42 Salt Lake City, UT 887,650 231 3,847
43 Jacksonville, FL 882,295 411 2,149
44 Louisville, KY--IN 863,582 391 2,207
45 Hartford, CT 851,535 469 1,814
46 Richmond, VA 818,836 437 1,875
47 Charlotte, NC--SC 758,927 435 1,745
48 Nashville-Davidson, TN 749,935 431 1,741
49 Oklahoma City, OK 747,003 322 2,317
50 Tucson, AZ 720,425 291 2,473
51 Honolulu, HI 718,182 154 4,660
52 Dayton, OH 703,444 324 2,174
53 Rochester, NY 694,396 295 2,353
54 El Paso, TX--NM 674,801 219 3,080
55 Birmingham, AL 663,615 392 1,693
56 Omaha, NE--IA 626,623 226 2,768
57 Albuquerque, NM 598,191 224 2,671
58 Allentown--Bethlehem, PA--NJ 576,408 289 1,991
59 Springfield, MA--CT 573,610 309 1,857
60 Akron, OH 570,215 308 1,853
61 Sarasota--Bradenton, FL 559,229 270 2,068
62 Albany, NY 558,947 284 1,966
63 Tulsa, OK 558,329 261 2,136
64 Fresno, CA 554,923 139 4,003
65 Concord, CA 552,624 176 3,132
66 Raleigh, NC 541,527 320 1,694
67 Grand Rapids, MI 539,080 257 2,095
68 Mission Viejo, CA 533,015 137 3,894
69 New Haven, CT 531,314 285 1,862
70 McAllen, TX 523,144 314 1,667
71 Toledo, OH--MI 503,008 202 2,486
  Total 140,022,057 44,013 3,181
Rank Urbanized Area Population Square Miles Population Density
1 New York--Newark, NY--NJ--CT 17,799,861 3,353 5,309
2 Chicago, IL--IN 8,307,904 2,123 3,914
3 Atlanta, GA 3,499,840 1,963 1,783
4 Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD 5,149,079 1,799 2,861
5 Boston, MA--NH--RI 4,032,484 1,736 2,323
6 Los Angeles--Long Beach--Santa Ana, CA 11,789,487 1,668 7,068
7 Dallas--Fort Worth--Arlington, TX 4,145,659 1,407 2,946
8 Houston, TX 3,822,509 1,295 2,951
9 Detroit, MI 3,903,377 1,261 3,094
10 Washington, DC--VA--MD 3,933,920 1,157 3,401
11 Miami, FL 4,919,036 1,116 4,407
12 Seattle, WA 2,712,205 954 2,844
13 Minneapolis--St. Paul, MN 2,388,593 894 2,671
14 Pittsburgh, PA 1,753,136 852 2,057
15 St. Louis, MO--IL 2,077,662 829 2,506
16 Tampa--St. Petersburg, FL 2,062,339 802 2,571
17 Phoenix--Mesa, AZ 2,907,049 799 3,638
18 San Diego, CA 2,674,436 782 3,419
19 Baltimore, MD 2,076,354 683 3,041
20 Cincinnati, OH--KY--IN 1,503,262 672 2,238
21 Cleveland, OH 1,786,647 647 2,761
22 Kansas City, MO--KS 1,361,744 584 2,330
23 Indianapolis, IN 1,218,919 553 2,205
24 Virginia Beach, VA 1,394,439 527 2,647
25 Providence, RI--MA 1,174,548 504 2,332
26 Denver--Aurora, CO 1,984,887 499 3,979
27 Milwaukee, WI 1,308,913 487 2,688
28 Portland, OR--WA 1,583,138 474 3,340
29 Hartford, CT 851,535 469 1,814
30 Bridgeport--Stamford, CT--NY 888,890 465 1,910
31 Orlando, FL 1,157,431 453 2,554
32 Riverside--San Bernardino, CA 1,506,816 439 3,434
33 Richmond, VA 818,836 437 1,875
34 Charlotte, NC--SC 758,927 435 1,745
35 Nashville-Davidson, TN 749,935 431 1,741
36 San Francisco--Oakland, CA 2,995,769 428 7,004
37 Jacksonville, FL 882,295 411 2,149
38 San Antonio, TX 1,327,554 408 3,257
39 Memphis, TN--MS--AR 972,091 400 2,431
40 Columbus, OH 1,133,193 398 2,849
41 Birmingham, AL 663,615 392 1,693
42 Louisville, KY--IN 863,582 391 2,207
43 Sacramento, CA 1,393,498 369 3,776
44 Buffalo, NY 976,703 367 2,664
45 Dayton, OH 703,444 324 2,174
46 Oklahoma City, OK 747,003 322 2,317
47 Raleigh, NC 541,527 320 1,694
48 Austin, TX 901,920 318 2,835
49 McAllen, TX 523,144 314 1,667
50 Springfield, MA--CT 573,610 309 1,857
51 Akron, OH 570,215 308 1,853
52 Rochester, NY 694,396 295 2,353
53 Tucson, AZ 720,425 291 2,473
54 Allentown--Bethlehem, PA--NJ 576,408 289 1,991
55 Las Vegas, NV 1,314,357 286 4,597
56 New Haven, CT 531,314 285 1,862
57 Albany, NY 558,947 284 1,966
58 Sarasota--Bradenton, FL 559,229 270 2,068
59 Tulsa, OK 558,329 261 2,136
60 San Jose, CA 1,538,312 260 5,914
61 Grand Rapids, MI 539,080 257 2,095
62 Salt Lake City, UT 887,650 231 3,847
63 Omaha, NE--IA 626,623 226 2,768
64 Albuquerque, NM 598,191 224 2,671
65 El Paso, TX--NM 674,801 219 3,080
66 Toledo, OH--MI 503,008 202 2,486
67 New Orleans, LA 1,009,283 198 5,102
68 Concord, CA 552,624 176 3,132
69 Honolulu, HI 718,182 154 4,660
70 Fresno, CA 554,923 139 4,003
71 Mission Viejo, CA 533,015 137 3,894
Rank Urbanized Area Population Square Miles Population Density
1 Los Angeles--Long Beach--Santa Ana, CA 11,789,487 1,668 7,068
2 San Francisco--Oakland, CA 2,995,769 428 7,004
3 San Jose, CA 1,538,312 260 5,914
4 New York--Newark, NY--NJ--CT 17,799,861 3,353 5,309
5 New Orleans, LA 1,009,283 198 5,102
6 Honolulu, HI 718,182 154 4,660
7 Las Vegas, NV 1,314,357 286 4,597
8 Miami, FL 4,919,036 1,116 4,407
9 Fresno, CA 554,923 139 4,003
10 Denver--Aurora, CO 1,984,887 499 3,979
11 Chicago, IL--IN 8,307,904 2,123 3,914
12 Mission Viejo, CA 533,015 137 3,894
13 Salt Lake City, UT 887,650 231 3,847
14 Sacramento, CA 1,393,498 369 3,776
15 Phoenix--Mesa, AZ 2,907,049 799 3,638
16 Riverside--San Bernardino, CA 1,506,816 439 3,434
17 San Diego, CA 2,674,436 782 3,419
18 Washington, DC--VA--MD 3,933,920 1,157 3,401
19 Portland, OR--WA 1,583,138 474 3,340
20 San Antonio, TX 1,327,554 408 3,257
21 Concord, CA 552,624 176 3,132
22 Detroit, MI 3,903,377 1,261 3,094
23 El Paso, TX--NM 674,801 219 3,080
24 Baltimore, MD 2,076,354 683 3,041
25 Houston, TX 3,822,509 1,295 2,951
26 Dallas--Fort Worth--Arlington, TX 4,145,659 1,407 2,946
27 Philadelphia, PA--NJ--DE--MD 5,149,079 1,799 2,861
28 Columbus, OH 1,133,193 398 2,849
29 Seattle, WA 2,712,205 954 2,844
30 Austin, TX 901,920 318 2,835
31 Omaha, NE--IA 626,623 226 2,768
32 Cleveland, OH 1,786,647 647 2,761
33 Milwaukee, WI 1,308,913 487 2,688
34 Minneapolis--St. Paul, MN 2,388,593 894 2,671
35 Albuquerque, NM 598,191 224 2,671
36 Buffalo, NY 976,703 367 2,664
37 Virginia Beach, VA 1,394,439 527 2,647
38 Tampa--St. Petersburg, FL 2,062,339 802 2,571
39 Orlando, FL 1,157,431 453 2,554
40 St. Louis, MO--IL 2,077,662 829 2,506
41 Toledo, OH--MI 503,008 202 2,486
42 Tucson, AZ 720,425 291 2,473
43 Memphis, TN--MS--AR 972,091 400 2,431
44 Rochester, NY 694,396 295 2,353
45 Providence, RI--MA 1,174,548 504 2,332
46 Kansas City, MO--KS 1,361,744 584 2,330
47 Boston, MA--NH--RI 4,032,484 1,736 2,323
48 Oklahoma City, OK 747,003 322 2,317
49 Cincinnati, OH--KY--IN 1,503,262 672 2,238
50 Louisville, KY--IN 863,582 391 2,207
51 Indianapolis, IN 1,218,919 553 2,205
52 Dayton, OH 703,444 324 2,174
53 Jacksonville, FL 882,295 411 2,149
54 Tulsa, OK 558,329 261 2,136
55 Grand Rapids, MI 539,080 257 2,095
56 Sarasota--Bradenton, FL 559,229 270 2,068
57 Pittsburgh, PA 1,753,136 852 2,057
58 Allentown--Bethlehem, PA--NJ 576,408 289 1,991
59 Albany, NY 558,947 284 1,966
60 Bridgeport--Stamford, CT--NY 888,890 465 1,910
61 Richmond, VA 818,836 437 1,875
62 New Haven, CT 531,314 285 1,862
63 Springfield, MA--CT 573,610 309 1,857
64 Akron, OH 570,215 308 1,853
65 Hartford, CT 851,535 469 1,814
66 Atlanta, GA 3,499,840 1,963 1,783
67 Charlotte, NC--SC 758,927 435 1,745
68 Nashville-Davidson, TN 749,935 431 1,741
69 Raleigh, NC 541,527 320 1,694
70 Birmingham, AL 663,615 392 1,693
71 McAllen, TX 523,144 314 1,667

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