
USA Municipalities (Cities & Towns) Index

US Cities: 2002 Ranked - - US Cities: 2002 by State

2000 Census: US Municipalities Over 50,000: Index

US City Population History from 1790

USA Municipalities (Cities) Population 2000-2004 (20051215)
USA: Number of General Purpose Governments in Metropolitan Areas over 500,000 (20041205)
USA Medium Sized Metropolitan Areas Grow Nearly as Fast as Large (20041207)
More than 90% of Metropolitan Growth Still in Suburbs: 2000 to 2003 (20041207)
Distribution of USA Population Growth: 2000 to 2003: Metropolitan, Central Cities, Suburbs and Other (20041207)

USA Major Metropolitan Areas: Suburban and Core City Growth: 2000 to 2003 (20041207)
US Cities With Substantially Same Borders: 1950-2000: Change in Population Density (20041207)
USA Metropolitan Area & Core Cities Population Trends: 1930-1940 (20040710)
The 1970s: Decade of School Enrollment Exodus from the Cities (20040707)
The Freeways/Urban Decline Myth: Collision of Theory and Reality (20040706)

The 1970s: Decade of School Enrollment Exodus from the Cities (20040707)
What if There Had Been No Forced Busing? (20040707)
USA Core Cities with 1950 Boundaries: 1950-2000 Population Trends (20040710)

US Metropolitan Growth 2000-2003: More of the Same (20040625)
Hyper-Dense Areas in Europe and North America: Densities over 50,000/Sq.Mi. (20021205)
Sierra Club Densities in Context: Comparison International & Historical City Densities (010621)
Selected Current & Historical International City Densities (010621)
Sierra Club Promotes "Black Hole of Calcutta" Densities, Then Retreats (000621)

US City Park & Open Space Ratios (20010917)
Greater Per Capita Open Space Associated with Lower US City Densities (20010917)
US City Park & Open Space Ratios by Density Classification (20010917)
US Metropolitan Suburban & Core City Growth: 1990-2000 (010604)
US Metropolitan Areas: Core City Share: 1990-2000 (010604)

US Metropolitan & Core City Growth: 1990-2000 (010604)
US Cities: Leading Population Gain by Decade from 1860 (010512)
US Cities Over 300,000 Ranked by Percentage Increase: 2000 Census (010330)
US Cities Over 300,000 Ranked by Population Increase: 2000 Census (010330)
US Cities Over 300,000 Ranked: 2000 Census (010330)

US Cities Over 300,000: 2000 Census (010330)
Census Bureau Misses Big in Central City Estimates (010330)
US Cities: Population 1999: Ranked (001020)
US Cities: Population 1999: Alphabetical (001020)
Population Density of US Urban Places Ranked by State: 1990 (000518)

Population Density of US Urban Places by State: 1990 (000518)
US Cities Over 400,000 Ranked by Population Density: 1990 (000505)
US Municipalities by Population Density Decile: 1990 (000505)
US Municipalities by Category of Population Density: 1990 (000505)
List of US Cities Over 100,000 Population & Area: 1990 (000505)

US Cities Over 100,000 Ranked by Population Density: 1990 (000505)
US Cities Over 100,000 Ranked by Land Area: 1990 (000505)
US Cities Over 100,000 Ranked by Population: 1990 (000505)
High Density US Cities by Metropolitan Area: 1990 (000505)
US Cities Ranked by Density: 1990 (000505)

US Cities Over 100,000 in 1998: Rankings PDF (991211)
US Cities Over 50,000 in 1990: Rankings PDF (991211)
US Largest Cities: Population from 1850
US Largest Cities Ranked by Population from 1850
US City Populations: 1990, & 2000

Demographia: Affiliated with The Public Purpose, Twice A National Journal Top Internet Site
Demographia is "pro-choice" with respect to urban development.
People should have the freedom to live and work where and how they like.
(c) 1994-2005 --- --- Wendell Cox Consultancy --- Permission granted for use with attribution.