
3rd Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey (2006)
159 Markets in Australia . Canada . Ireland . New Zealand . United Kingdom . United States
Housing affordability continues in crisis intensity in many markets. The most pervasive national crisis remains in Australia, where purchasing the median priced house now costs years more in gross household income than just 10 years ago. The crisis is nearly as serious in Ireland, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, where a government report identifies urban planning practices as the principal reason that housing costs there have inflated so out of control. There are regional pockets of severe unaffordability in the United States and Canada, especially in California, the Northeast and the Northwest. Still, strong affordability continues in many markets, such as Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Quebec, Indianapolis Cincinnati and Kansas City. This edition includes a comparison of Perth,, Australia and Austin, Texas, similarly fast growing markets, but where the differences in housing affordability are like "night and day."
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Demographia: Affiliated with The Public Purpose, Twice A National Journal Top Internet Site
Demographia is "pro-choice" with respect to urban development.
People should have the freedom to live and work where and how they like.
(c) 1994-2005 --- --- Wendell Cox Consultancy --- Permission granted for use with attribution.