Mythical Underpinnings: For decades the land area growth American urban areas has been much greater than the population growth. This geographic expansion is often attributed to increasing dependence upon the automobile and the construction of the interstate highway (freeway) system. A relatively new school of urban planners, "the new urbanists" blame a number of problems on the expanding urban area, including increased traffic congestion, higher air pollution, the decline of central cities and a reduction in valuable agricultural land (new urbanist policies also go by the label "smart growth"). Moreover, new urbanists believe that more spacious urban areas typical of the United States are inherently inefficient relative to more compact cities, exhibiting higher costs for infrastructure and public services. Mythical Underpinnings: A fundamental problem with the "new urbanist" formula is that most of the facts and assumptions on which it is based are patently false.
It can be expected that the results of "new urbanist" or smart growth policies will be the opposite of what is promised: more serious traffic congestion, increased air pollution and more time spent commuting to work. DEMOGRAPHIA specializes in analyzing and critiquing the local policies of new urbanism and smart growth, and in proposing alternative policies that improve both the standard of living and the quality of life.
The President's New Urban Sprawl Initiative: Program in Search of a Problem (990324)
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